While Peyton was playing with Maddie, my aunts dog, and playing with Ali, a friends dog, Peyton tripped and fell on Ali. Ali's natural dog reaction was to snip and it just so happen to get poor Peyton's face.
So needless to say we spent 2 hours in the ER room last night and 9 stitches later we made it back home. Peyton had to get 7 in her check and 2 in her lip where the dog bit completely through her lower lip. Luckily the bit on her face was straight across and easy to sew up. I am just thankful it's not any worse then it is. Because I have seen cases where the dog has bitten a chunk out of a child's face.
Peyton is doing great!! Last night after it happened she only cried maybe 5 mins and didn't cry till the held her down to stitch it up. She is a tough little girl and I am grateful for that. It's hard to see your child in pain. I think I cried as much as Peyton last night while they sewed her up.
Here are some pictures of her sad little face. Two of them are from the hospital that I took on my phone. She had to put on a cute little yellow gown. I really just hope it doesn't leave to much of a scar.

Here she is in her little hospital gown reading a magazine
These ones were taken this morning. Poor girl!!