Thursday, January 31, 2008

Please Can We Get It?

Okay so I know I told you all about how we just got Guitar Hero. The thing that I really want is Dance Dance Revolution!!!! Last weekend when Joel was out of town I spent some time down in Salt Lake. My good friends had Peyton and I over for dinner. After dinner we spent most of the night playing Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution!!! I am now addicted and am wishing I had Dance Dance Revolution to go with my Guitar Hero. Joel doesn't want to get it because he said it would bother our downstairs neighbors. That's what you get when you live in stupid apartments. I told him I wanted it for the workout!!! Have you ever done it??? I was sweating! They even have a workout mode on there, so no need to go to the gym!!! Maybe when we move we can get it. I will be crossing my fingers. Did I tell you that Peyton loved it too?? Here she is having a blast on it with her friend!!

Guitar Hero!

Well we finally broke down and got Guitar Hero!! It is such a blast and let me suggest that if you have a Wii or any other gaming system that Guitar Hero is a must have. We have only had it for two nights and I am addicted. Joel is way good at it and a natural. Me on the other hand I am learning!! Someday I hope to be expert!!

Peyton has enjoyed watching us play and is ver interested in playing herself. We have told her time and time again that she can't play with it and it breaks her little heart. But sneaky her trys to get it out and chance we aren't looking and throws the strap over her shoulder and starts playing!!! This morning I caught her doing this very thing and had to take a picture!! Maybe someday Peyton will be expert on it.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Photo Fun!

I just wanted to share this fun photo shot that we had done when I was down in Salt Lake. Peyton and Faith had so much fun. Meleana took all these great and wonderful pictures!!

Make a PhotoShow Full Size

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Candy For Breakfast?

So my lovely child has a big morning problem lately. For some apparent reason she thinks it's okay to have candy for breakfast. I think she got the idea from her dad who does eat candy for breakfast and feels like if he can do it why can't she??

In the past I have given in to her by giving her a few m&m's in the morning to get her morning off right but as of lately I have been putting my foot down. This morning I wouldn't give into her and it was the end of the world in our house at 8:30 this morning!!! She threw the biggest fit by kicking and screaming and throwing herself down on the kitchen floor. I could hardly contain myself by not laughing because it was so funny. So do I give in to her because her dad eats it and she doesn't understand why she can't have it or do I stop buying it so that it's not in my house and we don't have to start our day off with a fight?? Personally I think Joel would go crazy if we didn't have some kind of candy in the house!

Sister time!!

Well tomorrow I am headed down to my sisters house for a couple of days!!! It has been almost a year since I have been down to her house. I always have so much fun when I am with her and Peyton always has fun playing with her cousins!!! We have some fun plans to go shopping and take the girls to get there pictures done!!! My really good friend Meleana does awesome pictures of all kinds. So if you are ever in need of a great photographer you should get in touch with her.

This weekend will be great fun and I can't wait. I am just not looking forward to Peyton in the car for almost 4 hours. She has been such a naughty little girl the past couple of days.

Friday, January 18, 2008


So today when I was at Peyton's dance class I meet one of the moms who does a scrapbooking group. They meet once a month on Friday night and all get together and scrapbook. The nice thing about it is that this girl does all the ideas!! She puts all the materials together and you just pay 18 bucks and you get 6 awesome pages!!! All you do is put them together!!!

That's how I like to do it because you don't have to come up with ideas of what to do. I can hardly wait for February 1st for my first get together. She said they all have so much fun and it's a great way to meet fun women!!

First Time Dancer

So today Peyton had her first dance/musical class. As I blogged about earlier we got Peyton into a class called Kindermusik. She loved every part of it and was so excited to be there that when it was time to leave she didn't want to. They have tons of instruments that the children can play with and they do lots of different music and singing!!!

Today was a trial class to see how Peyton did and to see if she was ready to do such a class. The actual class doesn't start till the second week of February and I can't wait for it because Peyton had so much fun.

Potty Time

So we have really been working hard with Peyton and the the potty thing. What joy it is!! The other day Peyton had just peed on my carpet and I just got done yelling at her that we don't pee on the floor and that we pee in the potty she marched with her hands straight down to her side her head down and headed for the bathroom. This picture here is of her upset and won't even look at me because she knew she was in trouble for peeing on my floor!!

So ashamed

So we have had good days and really bad days with the potty thing. Sometimes I feel like I am going to give up and wait till she is older but then some days I feel like she is getting it. Yesterday was not the day to think she was actually getting the concept of it. When I sent her to the bathroom to go potty and then went back to check on her this is what I found her doing.

She definitely wasn't trying to go potty. I think she was tired of the whole process.

So Independent

Several times this week I have found Peyton trying to put clothes on. Last night I heard her getting upset about something and went to her room to find her with an undershirt half way on and trying to put on her pajamas. She also had forgotten to take her other clothes off before trying to do this task!!! It was pretty funny to see her like this.

She was trying so hard to do it herself!

Just can't figure it out

Then this morning as I was trying to hurry and get ready and out the door before 9:00 I was running around the house and came running into my bedroom to find Peyton once again struggling for her Independence and trying on mommy's t-shirt!!

Don't mind the mess of laundry on my bed!!

Friday, January 11, 2008


In the previous years this is probably what you would see on my list of new years resolutions. I have never been one to make a list of things I want to do or achieve in the new year. For some reason this year I really want to set goals and achieve them or lest try!!

Now I know that the new year has already started and I should have thought about this a lot sooner but I feel like better late then never. So my first thought was "what is a new years resolution?" So I decided to look it up in the Encyclopedia. This what it said......

A New Year's Resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous. The name comes from the fact that these commitments normally go into effect on New Year's Day and remain until fulfilled.

So that in mind my list is this, and in no order, because to me they are all important.

  • Enjoy Life More
  • Eat Healthier
  • Learn Something New
  • Get on a Workout Routine
  • Finish School
  • Spend More Quality Time with Family
  • Be a Better Spouse
  • Save Money
  • Be a More Patient Mom
  • Blog More
  • Control my OCD
  • Try to Live Stress Free

I wish everyone the best of luck with any new years resolution they may have. I know I will need a lot of luck and a lot of 'Tegan' support to keep mine!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Last night we took Peyton sledding. She had so much fun and didn't want to come inside when it was time to. This was Peyton's first real experience with snow. Last year we never took her out in it because she was too little. In the past 2 days we have gotten so much snow that we decided to buy a little sled and pull Peyton around on it and take her down the hill!! She was loving it till she took her gloves off and her hands were freezing. Here are some pictures we took while sledding. She was ready for the snow

She loved being pulled around

Getting ready to go down the hill by herself
She flew so fast down the hill she fell out. She was soaking wet and
freezing by the time we went in

Peyton's New Adventures

Peyton is such an active little girl and always finding something new to do. I felt like Peyton needs to get into something since she is so active and loves other children. I heard about this program called Kindermusik and thought it would be perfect for Peyton. It's a music class/dance class. Your child can start when they are only 18 months. I am excited for her to start this program. If you have a little one I would highly recommend looking into there programs. They have tons of different programs from sign language, to family classes if you have more then one child. Peyton will start in the next couple weeks!!

She is also starting gymnastics!!! I am so excited for her to be able to get involved with other children he own age and experience different activities. She will be starting gymnastics on January 21st!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

No More Stitches

Well Peyton got her stitches out 4 days ago. When we took her in to the hospital to get them out the same doctor looked at her. I was waiting for what he had to say hoping it would be good news.
Lets just say it wasn't great news or good news for that matter. He looked a little worried when he said "O it looks infected!" My first thought was how in the HELL did it get infected when I went through a whole tube of Neosporin, I was constantly cleaning it out with Hydrogen Peroxide, and she was on a 80 dollar antibiotic. As a mother I thought I had failed to do my job and not let it get infected. The doctor said that it is easy to get a wound with stitches infected because the sutures collect any bacteria.

So after removing the sutures the doctor put steri strips on because since it got infected it didn't heal together. So the doctor was hoping that the steri strips would help to hold it together. I knew those strips wouldn't stay on long with a two year old.

The next day Peyton pulled them off and since then haven't had them on her face. So to make a long story short her wound isn't healing together and it looks awful!!! The doctor said if this is the case then they would have to wait till it fully heals and then go to a plastic surgeon and have the scar cut out and re-stitched. I am posting pictures of Peyton's newest beautiful scar on her precious face. Let me know what you think. Joel thinks I am over-reacting about the scar but to me it looks horrible.

Click on the Picture to
Enlarge it so you can
get a better view of it