Thursday, January 31, 2008
Please Can We Get It?
Guitar Hero!
Peyton has enjoyed watching us play and is ver interested in playing herself. We have told her time and time again that she can't play with it and it breaks her little heart. But sneaky her trys to get it out and chance we aren't looking and throws the strap over her shoulder and starts playing!!! This morning I caught her doing this very thing and had to take a picture!! Maybe someday Peyton will be expert on it.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Photo Fun!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Candy For Breakfast?
In the past I have given in to her by giving her a few m&m's in the morning to get her morning off right but as of lately I have been putting my foot down. This morning I wouldn't give into her and it was the end of the world in our house at 8:30 this morning!!! She threw the biggest fit by kicking and screaming and throwing herself down on the kitchen floor. I could hardly contain myself by not laughing because it was so funny. So do I give in to her because her dad eats it and she doesn't understand why she can't have it or do I stop buying it so that it's not in my house and we don't have to start our day off with a fight?? Personally I think Joel would go crazy if we didn't have some kind of candy in the house!
Sister time!!
This weekend will be great fun and I can't wait. I am just not looking forward to Peyton in the car for almost 4 hours. She has been such a naughty little girl the past couple of days.
Friday, January 18, 2008

That's how I like to do it because you don't have to come up with ideas of what to do. I can hardly wait for February 1st for my first get together. She said they all have so much fun and it's a great way to meet fun women!!
First Time Dancer
Today was a trial class to see how Peyton did and to see if she was ready to do such a class. The actual class doesn't start till the second week of February and I can't wait for it because Peyton had so much fun.
Potty Time
So ashamed
So we have had good days and really bad days with the potty thing. Sometimes I feel like I am going to give up and wait till she is older but then some days I feel like she is getting it. Yesterday was not the day to think she was actually getting the concept of it. When I sent her to the bathroom to go potty and then went back to check on her this is what I found her doing.
She definitely wasn't trying to go potty. I think she was tired of the whole process.
So Independent
She was trying so hard to do it herself!
Just can't figure it out
Then this morning as I was trying to hurry and get ready and out the door before 9:00 I was running around the house and came running into my bedroom to find Peyton once again struggling for her Independence and trying on mommy's t-shirt!!
Don't mind the mess of laundry on my bed!!
Friday, January 11, 2008

Now I know that the new year has already started and I should have thought about this a lot sooner but I feel like better late then never. So my first thought was "what is a new years resolution?" So I decided to look it up in the Encyclopedia. This what it said......
A New Year's Resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous. The name comes from the fact that these commitments normally go into effect on New Year's Day and remain until fulfilled.
So that in mind my list is this, and in no order, because to me they are all important.
- Enjoy Life More
- Eat Healthier
- Learn Something New
- Get on a Workout Routine
- Finish School
- Spend More Quality Time with Family
- Be a Better Spouse
- Save Money
- Be a More Patient Mom
- Blog More
- Control my OCD
- Try to Live Stress Free
I wish everyone the best of luck with any new years resolution they may have. I know I will need a lot of luck and a lot of 'Tegan' support to keep mine!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
She loved being pulled around
Peyton's New Adventures
She is also starting gymnastics!!! I am so excited for her to be able to get involved with other children he own age and experience different activities. She will be starting gymnastics on January 21st!!