Happy Valentines Day everyone!!! Hopefully everyone has some great plans for tonight to go out or do some romantic at home. I know my night will be hanging out at my aunts house waiting for my parents to arrive and ordering pizza when they get here!!! Doesn't that sound romantic enough?
I love Valentines day where you can put the one you love on a peddlestool and let them know how much you love them!!! I might not say it enough in my daily battles and duties of a mom but I want Joel to know how much I love him and appreciate all that you do for our family.
I remember the first time I saw Joel at King Henry Apartments down in Provo, Utah!!! That seems like a lifetime ago. He was wearing his blue King Henry shirt and jeans with holes in them and paint all over them as well. I will never forget the feeling that I got when I first saw Joel standing in my apartment holding his clipboard evaluating our apartment. He had no idea who I even was and was just doing his job. From that exact moment I remember telling my roommates I was going to marry him. They all laughed and that it was so funny that I would say something like that when I didn't even know his name!!! Well it took me almost two months of hard work before I ever got to meet Joel!!! And from that first date on May 20, 2003 we have been so in love ever since!!!
I am so thankful to have such a wonderful husband who cares so much for his family. Joel I know right now it's been really hard with everything and you have been so stressed out and depressed but I want you to know that I am going to stick by your side and help you along the way. Something will work out for our family and soon the long journey will be done. I love you so much and hope you will be my Valentine today!!!!!!!!!
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