Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Shabby Baby

I just wanted to share this awesome line of clothes that is now up in running. These two sisters that I know very well and grew up with just opened a line called Sabby Baby. The launched it on the Shabby Apple website. The dresses are amazing and so creative!!! Katie and Alisa you guys did a breathtaking job!!! I can't wait to purchases one for Peyton!!


Alisa said...

Thanks so much for your post! I love your blog. Where did you get the background. Peyton is so cute by the way, can you believe our girls are two? If you want a dress, let me know I have a free shipping code I can give you, which lets me or Katie send you the dress instead of the office, and it saves you a little money. Hope to hear from you soon!

Nicole Leavitt said...

I love that cute dress!!! I am totally buying one of them when Alexa gets a little bit older and actually needs clothes!

Alisa said...

Hey my e-mail is alisamay@yahoo.com, E-mail what dress and size you want so I can make sure Katie or I have it, and then I'll e-mail you the code and then you can e-mail me your receipt that will have all of your shipping info. I hope I didn't confuse you. And if you have a friend that wants one have her e-mail me as well. Hope to hear from you soon! Alisa

dayna said...

I love them I love them! they may very well be the only dresses I will ever buy for my little emme.