Friday, May 25, 2007

Twin Bed or Not??

So I have been trying to decided what to do about Peyton and putting her in a twin bed or waiting. I know most people wait till there child is like 2 or sometimes 3. Then again I know people who have put there little ones in a bed when they were 18 months. I really want to switch Peyton over to a bed but have a few concerns. I feel like if I put her in a bed then she won't ever sleep in it because she will be able to climb out whenever she feels like it. And I want to get her out of her crib because I hate it and she has chewed holes in it. She is over the whole chewing age so I know she won't chew her new bed but I guess I just feel a little stuck about what to do. If you have any suggestions throw them my way!!


dayna said...

good question! Joel was out of his crib at 2 1/2...when we moved to our new home. I am almost embarrassed to say that he is still sleeping on his crib mattress. We decided to just put it on the floor so he could get used to not falling out of a bed. Now, I have a bed and will be getting his mattresses this week. I need to find a mattress protector just incase he has a random 'accident' while asleep so it stays nice. In the end, my opinion is that there is no rush. Joel was happy as eer in his crib until last summer (of course, he never tried to climb out which made him staying there possible...does that make sense?)

Tonia Conger said...

I say, get the twin bed and a small leash :-)

The Graham Family said...

Hey, it's Holly's sis. I thought I'd check out your blog after seeing you on Holly's. We put Ella in a "big bed" when she was 2 1/2 also. We will probably be putting Sophie in one sooner as the next baby is due in Nov. and she will be 21 months. I would like to try to wait until she is 2 because I know she will climb out. I was thinking of trying a mattress on the floor with a side rail (to make is seem more "criblike" and less escapable). Maybe try that before you buy/set up a whole twin bed....

Peyton is such a cutie! I wish we could come out and visit again. If you guys came down, she and Sophie could play. :)

The Graham Family said...

I just got this thing in my email from Baby center/Parent Center. It may help with your decision (If you haven't decided already :)