Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Killing Bugs

Someone has to do it in our house. Joel won't and Im so sick of being the only one to do it. Peyton killed her first bug tonight and it was hilarious. She told me it was a crane fly or a dragon fly. Come to find out it was the smallest bug I have ever seen. Check it out!


jodie333 said...

For Real the Funniest thing in my LIFE!! I miss her so much!! peyton is getting so BIG!! Way to deligate!
(hope i spelled it right)

Susan Fox said...

Look at you go girl...3 new blogs in what a day? The video is priceless.

Tegan said...

I know I am blogging it up Susan! Jodie we miss you guys and need to get together......wish we could have gone to Trevors B-day bash last Saturday.

dayna said...

what? joe won't kill the bugs? i just spent a while getting caught up on your cute blog and just miss you and joel and peyton so much. did you get the card we sent for her birthday? she is so big and just beautiful. fun to see all the family resemblence. way to go on the website design. that is awesome. it looks great! love to you all!--dayna