Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today we spent most of the morning looking at costumes at the mall for Halloween. After a long decision she decided on this one!!! I think it's pretty cute and I think she will enjoy wearing it.


Nicole Leavitt said...

I love it!!!! Oh my gosh she looks so cute! I am glad she picked that one out! Its by far the cutest out of the ones they had! I am still trying to figure out what to do for my kids!!!

Rob and Juliann said...

She is TOTALLY your clone! Cute little witch.

Anonymous said...

holy smokes tegan i dont think i've ever seen a pic with her hair down, she is so adorable!! She looks just like you with it down!!!

Grandma B said...

What cute, darling pictures. Peyton will get lots and lots of candy this Halloween.

How are you and Joel doing? Great I hope....we hang in there. LOL

dayna said...

SO cute! she is so big!

Holly Conger said...

I can't believe how much older she looks! It's been way too long since we've seen you!!!! I love that costume. Now you'll have to teach her how to cackle:)