Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hooray For Peyton

It has been almost 2 weeks since Peyton has worn a diaper. Peyton started potty training a little less then 2 weeks ago. I guess there is a time when a kid is 'Just Ready!' I went to pick Peyton up at daycare and Jodie her teacher told me that Peyton has been throwing fits to put her diaper on and would scream for panties. Jodie told me to bring some panties to daycare and try it out. Peyton has been doing GREAT!!!! Thank goodness because I am so sick of buying diapers. She has an accident here and there when she gets into playing or a movie but she does really good about running to the potty when needed she has actually gone days without any accidents!!! Yesterday when we were out and about she surprised me. We were in a toy store with TONS of fun toys that she was playing with and right in the middle she said "mommy poop" I ran her to the bathroom where indeed she did poop!!!!!! All I can say is HOORAY for Peyton!!! I hope she keeps up the great work.


dayna said...

congrats to peyton! such an accomplishment!

Holly Conger said...

Yay Peyton! Violet just did her very first pee in her potty the day before yesterday and another today. We've got a long road ahead, but we're off to a start anyway!
(And about your sweet Father's Day post, I think it's time for you to have #2 too! :)