Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Weekend Fun!

This last weekend here in Boise it was SO hot. I think it got up to 97 degrees. Wow it was insanely hot and the sun did nothing but shine all weekend. Saturday was a great day!!! I started off my day by heading to get Nicole, we then decided to have a yummy lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. After that we continued to have a wonderful day filled with shopping which I now enjoy more then every because with me working I actually have extra money to buy fun things!!! We had a great day and the best part about it was our husbands were babysitting!!!!

With the weather being so warm I decided to fill up Peyton's jump house thing that her Nana and Bobba got her. She LOVED it and played in that till she was so wrinkly!!! I love the weather and hope it sticks around. Unfortunately today's weather sucked.

I took a few fun pics of the kids having fun........Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


If you haven't ever heard of Scentsy you will love it and get addicted. They are these fabulous candle things. My mom showed me them probably about a year ago. Every time I would go home her house would smell so wonderful and she told me it was these smelly bars that she put in this warmer. They have tons of scents and the best thing about them is that the wax stuff never gets hot enough to burn you if for some reason a child may grab it or you spill it on yourself. We use them at my work and everyone is in love with them. I just wanted to share my new favorite thing!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Please Can We??

I think it's been way too long to be asking for something and still I am not hearing the right answer. I can't tell you how much I would love a dog for our family. I have been asking Joel for one since we got married. You think about almost 4 years he would give in.......NOPE!! Now that we aren't living in apartments and actually have a house not to mention a fenced back yard, I think it would be great. Peyton adores dogs so much and I know she would love to have a little fluff ball running around chasing her. I haven't given up on my quest to get Joel to say yes. Even with my birthday on Friday Joel was asking me what I wanted and I told him all I want is a puppy. He laughed and said NO!!!!!! So I'm pretty sure my dream of having a little animal friend in the near future is out of the question. grrr!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

My Mom Rocks!!

Don't send a lame Mother's Day eCard.
Try JibJab Sendables!

I just wanted to write a quick little post about my mom. My mom is so amazing and the greatest mom there is. She truly is my best friend. I know I can call her about anything and she probably gets sick of me calling sometimes, but I know she will always be there for me whenever I need her!! I really hope to be that way for Peyton. My mom has taught me so many things in life and I honestly don't know where I would be today without her.

Growing up my mom taught me the things I would need to know to be a great mother and a wonderful wife. Thanks to her I know how to cook and clean, but really it's not about having a clean house or a nice meal on the table at night. The most important things my mom could have taught me was to be a great friend, a good listener, a comforter, a hard worker, a communicator, and so much more. Thanks mom for all your hard work because I know it paid off. Peyton is so lucky to have you as a "Nana!"

Happy Mother's Day!! I love you!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Yard Work

Growing up I have never been into yard work, just ask my mom. I remember every summer that my mom would make deals with us. She would give us a bucket (that was hardly very big) and asked us to pick enough weeds to fill it. For every bucket filled she would give us 20 bucks!!! I know you guys are thinking easy money. Not for me and my brothers. We hated it so much we would sit outside for hours trying to fill a dang bucket and we would keep showing my mom the bucket with it barely full asking if that was enough weeds. My mom finally gave up with us and finally hired people to come do the yard work, but I think she payed them a lot more then we would have made!!!

I look back on that now and laugh so hard. Since we have moved into our house it has been a ton of fun getting the yard ready. I spend lots of long nights and weekend days weeding our gardens mowing the yard and getting everything ready to plant some flowers. I think what thrills me the most about it is, one it's my own place that I want to look nice, and two when it's all done it gives you some kinda of accomplishment feeling!!! So all I can say is I hope the nice weather stays.

Shower Time

My beautiful soon to be sister-in-law is having a shower at the end of May!! I am so fortunate to go and be there with her. I will be flying out on the 28th of May and will be flying back on the 2nd of June. I know it will be a short trip but it will be well worth it to be there, and spend time with everyone!!

I'm in Love

I know I am way behind and everyone has already read these books. On my cruise my mom finished up Twilight and told me I had to read it. Almost everyone I know has read them and loved them. Well I decided to follow the crowd and read it and I LOVE it!! I am just waiting to get book #2 from my mom!!! She just finished it and sent it off yesterday in the mail!!

P.S. I am in love with Edward!!! I have had several dreams about him and only wish my husband would change overnight into Edward!!!