Sunday, May 2, 2010

Strawberry Jam!

I have not made strawberry jam in such a long time.  Usually when I make it, it was more like my mom made it.  About 3 weeks ago my friend came over and we tempted to make this new low sugar recipe along with the original one.  The new lower sugar one is by far my fav.  I love it and will only make that one from here on out.  Nothing taste better then home made strawberry jam on bread with a little peanut butter!!!  Next on the list is peach once the peaches are yummy enough!!!


Dana said...

I'm very impressed. I've never made jam. I'll have to put that on my to-do list. =)

Justin & Ashlee said...

Hey Tegan! You may not remember me, Ashlee, from Dr. May's office :) Anyways, I sometimes look at your blog from Nicoles to see what your cute little girl is up to. I can't believe she is five! But I thought your blog stalking post was great. That is so me :) So I thought I'd at least say hi this time! Hope you have a great week. Your jam sounds so yummy!

Sawdust Girl said...

Would you care to share the recipe with us or are you just teasing us. I'm trying to cut out some sugar in my life and would love to try your new recipe. Did I miss it somewhere? BTW, you have my old URL from A Little Bit of Everything up on your blog roll that no longer exists. Love your updates. How are you liking the new ride?

jodie333 said...

I agree! YUMM!! It is the only way I will eat a pb&j! Let's get together and make strawberrry and plum when our trees produce!