Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Peyton has official changed her name. I don't know how I feel about this but for the time being Peyton no longer goes by Peyton and goes by sh-wheat-ie. I don't know what has gotten into her but every time I say her name she stops me and says "No mommy I'm sh-wheat-ie!" every once in a while when I do call her sweetie she will say "No mom I Peyton now!" It's really cute I just don't know where she is getting it from!!!


Holly Conger said...

Oh that is so cute! At least it's something cute. I used to babysit a little by that would get mad whenever I called him anything but "Gumby"!

Holly Conger said...

sorry- BOY not BY- I wish I could fix my spelling BEFORE I post! ;-)