Peyton had her first party as well at school and had so so much fun. If you would like to see pics from her school party and see more pics you can go here
Then just 3 days after Valentines day Peyton turned 3. She ended up going to school that day and taking cupcakes for everyone to celebrate. Since Joel was still out of town Peyton and I had a low key birthday that night by having a picnic in the living room watching her new movie that daddy got her.
Then the day after her birthday my parents came to town! It was there anniversary that day so we all went out to dinner at the Melting Pot! It was great fun. I only have 1 pic of that night and my scanner is not working so you'll just have to imagine the fun night we had that night.
The day following that we headed down to Twin Falls to meet the rest of my family there and celebrate my Grandmas 90th to soon come as soon as my dad emails them to me! While down in Twin we did a little celebrations for Peyton's birthday with this wonderful cake that she HAD to have......

Which brings me to today.........Joel and I decided to wait to have Peyton's friend party so he could enjoy the fun and screams from 3 other little girls!! Peyton decided she wanted to have a Tinker Bell party. It was a lot of fun to plan and a lot of fun to have her little friends over. Here are the pics from day and all the fun we had
This was the table decor. Each little girl got her own wings and wand just like Tinker Bell
We had lots of yummy food the two favorites were Grandma Bigg's fruit dip and Tegan's famous pasta salad!
The girls being crazy and having fun!
They had so much fun playing and NOT eating there lunch
Peyton was super excited, just look at her face
Peyton was struggling to blow out her candles
Then it was present time
Peyton got a lot of fun stuff from her friends! She had several birthday celebrations and had fun with all of them. Thanks to everyone who made her birthday special.