Sunday, January 11, 2009

Seattle Here We Come!

Yes, you read right!! I am head to Seattle on Tuesday so just 2 short days away. I am super excited and can't wait to see my family. It has been awhile since I have been there. The last time I was there was my brothers wedding which was last summer. I use to travel a lot more often but now that I have a full-time job I can't just run "home" whenever I feel like it.

Peyton can't wait to see her Nana and Baba!! She's been talking about them non stop. She also can't wait to see Gretchen!! We will be up there visiting till the 24th of this month and are glad we get to spend nearly 2 whole weeks with them.

Okay so I thought I would do a little update on Joel and how he is dealing.....and Peyton and I for that matter.

Joel is doing really great with his work training. He has been so so busy with studying every night he doesn't have much free time. Which is probably good because I can't imagine how boring it must be to live in a hotel. He is currently in Virgina where he will spend another few weeks there and on the 30th he will be headed back to Tuscan where he will finish up there. He then flies home on the 28th of February which we are all excited for. Peyton and I are so proud of him and the hard work and dedication he has put into his new job. I know the stuff is hard to learn and that he is excelling well. Just to give you and idea of how hard it is there are about 30 people in his class and half of them are have to have a 85% to pass and if you don't after this course they send you home without a job. I'm very thankful Joel is so smart!!

As far as Peyton and I we are hanging in there. We are almost half way through this hell which gives us something to smile about. I have been enjoying my "me" time and feel like Joel and I have both gotten to work on who we are as an individual. I truly think that this whole experience has grown our relationship and and made us a stronger couple. Peyton has been missing her daddy a lot lately and I think by us going to visit my family it will take her mind of him being gone. In the past week I have found her sobbing saying "I really miss my daddy!" It breaks my heart to hear her crying so hard about something that I can't fix. It won't be long till he is home again with us and we can't wait!!!!!!


Dana said...

Congrats on being halfway through! It must be SO hard! But I have to say I am extremely jealous that you get to spend 2 weeks in Washington. That has become my favorite place in the world. And most days I would give anything to be back there. Enjoy your vacation! =)

Holly Conger said...

Oh, that just breaks my heart to hear that she is missing her Daddy so much. Hurry home Joel! Have fun in WA! I'm so glad you get to go. It will be so good for you!

Grandma B said...

Way to go Tegan...if you can't be with Joel....then Seattle sounds wonderful. Sorry little Peyton is missing Joel so much...but he will be home soon, then things will be "all better".

Please go to the Fish Market and get us a nice fresh salmon....then when you cook it, think of us.

Love you lots......