Since last night was Halloween I thought maybe I should post up some pictures of Peyton in her costume. I also thought I would tell you how our night went!!
It started off great!! We drove to my aunt and uncles house where we decided to take Peyton because it's a really nice neighborhood and we knew we would be safe. We went trick or treating at my aunt's house first then off to the other houses.
The first house we came up to Peyton was very excited, but as soon as that door open and there was a stranger standing there with a big bowl of candy she freaked!!! Lets just say she didn't like it.
After a whole hour of walking around and knocking on about 25 doors Peyton, Joel, and I were freezing!!! We decided to head back to my aunts house and hand out candy and warm back up.
Maybe Peyton will like it a little more next year!!
This one she was running to me because she was scared. See her frozen tears?
This was after we got back from trick or treating and my aunt gave Peyton her Halloween bucket and these cute princess shoes were in there and she had to put them on!
This is her favorite thing to do at my aunts house.